Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Hurdle Number One Has Been Negotiated

I'm posting all out of order, because I haven't gotten round to posting the pics of Lorne yet, but I have some very important news to share. The first goal of 2010 has been achieved. I have a new job!

I went for an interview yesterday, which went really well. I walked away from it felling really good, but nonetheless I had that niggling doubt in the back of my mind. When I got to work this morning, I discovered that they'd called my boss almost straight away as a referee. Then this afternoon I had a phone call to ask another couple of questions. Then they called back not long after that to offer me the job. Of course I accepted straight away. Squee!

So "they" are Walter and Eliza Hall Institute (WEHI) in the Division of Autoimmunity and Transplantation. The job is Office Administrator. It sounds really innocuous, but from what I can gather it's going to be pretty full on. It'll be helping to run and organise the division of 40 researchers.

I'm very nervous, but I'm really looking forward to the challenge. I'll be learning new skills and honing others. I'm pretty sure they'll keep me on my toes!

I have a day of orientation on Tuesday and then I start on 29th March after I get back from Adelaide. It's a very exciting time in the household.


  1. Fantastic news!! A big congrats to you - you'll be great at it!

  2. Congratulations! It sounds like a great opportunity. How did you celebrate the news?

  3. Thanks! We celebrated with beer and pizza. Haha! We've got a really nice bottle of Henschke red wine at home, so we might crack that one on Saturday night.

  4. Fantastic news!!!! Im very happy for you 2010 is going to be a great year ! :)

  5. Wow, Holy Cow! Awesome news. I'm psyched for you. Quite a burden off your shoulders, I'm sure. Looking forward to hearing more about next weekend.

  6. Great news Rhiannon. Is your new job close by or is there more travel involved?

  7. Much less travel than the current job. Yay! It's just north of the city, near Melbourne Uni.
