Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Sleepless Nights

Don't you hate those nights when you wake at 2am and can't get back to sleep? You're sure you've woken up because you're worried about something, but then you're not really sure what you should be worrying about. So then you think of all things you've done today and are going to do tomorrow and find reasons to worry about each of those things. Hmmm... maybe it's just me. I'm pretty sure that work is stressing me out with the deadline looming, but I'm also pretty sure that waking at 2am and worrying about it, isn't going to help. Well, at least I finished my book!


  1. As long as the book is finished!!!

    I had a sleepless night last night, started off by bad nightmares, again, someone trying to choke me in my sleep! Eek!

    Hope you're not too tired today.

  2. Oh, those nightmares sound awful!

    I was fine earlier, but I think the caffeine has worn off now. I might have to see if I can persuade someone to get another coffee with me.
