Friday, December 18, 2009

An Update from Myf

Since starting holidays, I've been able to spend more time with Myf. I've brought my camera along to the park a few times to get some pics of Myf playing with her friends. So now I'm going to bore you with the photos.

These two pics make me laugh. Myf still has her thick and scruffy winter coat in these pics and she's bounding back with the ball in her mouth.

Going for the catch

Because the temperature has been so inconsistent, Myf hasn't yet lost her winter coat, so we decided to shave her. The 40 degree days with the thick coat can't be pleasant! Can you spot the difference? lol!

New Haircut
Happy Myf

Retrieving the Ball

Jumping for the ball
Catching the Ball

While she's waiting for Paul to throw the ball, she does a cute little bow and shuffle. Sort of like Myf's version of a tennis player waiting to return serve.
Let's Play
Waiting for the Throw

Yay! A scratch behind the ear from Dad!
A Scratch Behind the Ears

Here are some pics of Myf with her friends. I don't know all of their names. Some just walk through the park on their morning routes and some owners don't come and say hi. But there are some regulars that Myf knows well.

Myf is friends with a dear, old Corgi called Mim. Mim looks like she would love to play with Myf. She's young at heart, but her arthritis prevents her from playing. Myf doesn't quite understand, so here she is running full tilt towards Mim.
Myf and Mim
This is fairly standard practise for the park. Fortunately she hasn't bowled Mim over yet!

Here's Myf chasing Archie, the chocolate lab.
Myf and Archie
The previous visit, Archie stole Myf's ball and ran off with it. The owner had to chase after Archie, prize the ball from his clamped jaws and throw it back to Myf. It's a good thing she's not possessive.

Myf is friends with a labradoodle called Frank. Frank must be walked on a lead because he has a tendency to run off. Unfortunately for Frank's owner, he gets rather excited when Myf runs up to him. This photo makes me laugh. As I clicked the shutter, Frank lunged for Myf, but he'd already reached the end of his lead, so he was pulled off his feet. Frank's owner was nearly pulled off his feet too!
Frank Jumped
And once Myf has fully razzed Frank up, she runs back to us to continue the ball game. Tease!
Myf and Frank

Myf met Goodie and Goodie's rather grumpy older brother during this visit.
Myf Makes Friends
Myf and Goodie
Hi Guys!

Goodie likes to chase, so while Myf ran after her ball, Goodie ran after Myf.
Being Chased
Playing Chasey

Myf ran out of energy before Goodie did - she's a real energizer bunny! Myf needed to stop and catch her breath a few times.
Lying Around
Okay, What Now
I think Myf is asking if they can just sit and chat for a bit. All the running's getting a little tiring.

A lot of sniffing happens at the dog park.
Pleased to Meet You

When we get home, Paul leaves for work. Myf doesn't enjoy this part. "When are you coming home, Dad?"
Hurry Home Dad

A morning at the dog park playing with your friends can really take it out of you! Myf sleeps for most of the rest of the day. I dared to wake her for a photo. She doesn't look to pleased and she's sporting what Paul and I call "squashed face" for obvious reasons. Her jowls get pushed up when she sleeps and it really does look hilarious.
Just Woken Up

1 comment:

  1. Those dogs at the park really look happy playing together. I have a cat, and it doesn't work that way bringing cats together.
