Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A resolution of sorts

I know I said I don't do resolutions, but... if I was going to have a resolution it would be this:

I'm going to try my best to tone down my competitive nature this year and I'm going to try not to keep arguing my point. I know that I'm right and that should be enough. I don't have to change the opinions of everyone and fight to the death until they agree with me. I know it goes against everything in my nature and my genetics, but I think I would be a happier person if I got rid of these two awful habits of mine.

That is all.


  1. I had to LOL at this. Reminds me of my DH and BF who both have a need to be right and will argue the same points over and over, just changing the words around a bit each time.
    Makes me think of DrPhil "Do you want to be right or do you want to be happy?"

  2. Lol i love the bit where you said "i know i'm right!!"

    But sounds like a good resolution, i'm sometimes very similar and then think why do i care if they agree with me or not!
