Friday, September 18, 2009


I went to yet another MTC performance last night, Rockabye. Geez it was a performance to get to though.

I got home and after 12.5mm of rain, we had sprung a leak in the study and water was dripping through the light fitting. After having a minor panic attack and forcing down some dinner, I managed to get out the door in time to catch the train that would get me there in perfect timing.

I got to the train station to find that it's been cancelled an the next train is delayed. So out I go to hail a taxi...

Because I was going to catch a train, I hadn't looked up the address, so I didn't know how to tell the taxi driver where to go. I'm really not very good with street names... I finally managed to describe it's location to him in reference to various other landmarks so he did eventually get me there safely. lol!

So after all that I got my program and settled down in my seat with 10 minutes to spare. Too late for my traditional champaz though :(

The performance was really good and thought provoking. About the generation of women who 'forgot' to have children while they were busy having their career and the celebrity craze of adopting African babies. Does it actually help the country or hinder it?? Is it actually doing the child any good by replacing its identity?? Lots of food for thought.


  1. Mission and a half to get there for sure!!

    Was it thought provoking enough for you to get the guilts??

  2. For forgetting to have children?? Or about exploiting 3rd world countries??

    I still have 10 years left to fall into the former category, apparently, so plenty of time left to feel guilty about that one. Heheh! As for the latter... I'm not sure. I'm still having an inner argument as to whether it's a help or a hindrance. lol
