Saturday, April 3, 2010

The New Addition

I'm going to start by saying that I would have liked to have done a photo entry from Coffin Bay before I did this post, but I've been feeling a bit of pressure to get these photos on the net, so I decided to do this post first.

We arrived in Adelaide not long after 9pm, after our massively delayed flight from Port Lincoln. We had originally arranged to collect Morgan at 7pm, but after a few phonecalls to the breeder, we managed to arrange to drive straight up there from the airport. The breeder lives about an hour north of the city, so it was a VERY late night for all persons involved.

I think it's pretty safe to say that it was love at first sight. She's adorable. Here's Paulie and Morgan and their first kiss.

First Kiss

By the time we got home, it was after midnight. Paul's parents had just had their carpets cleaned, so we'd put down some plastic sheeting to catch any accidents. Well, the night had been so eventful and it was such a long car ride, so she fell asleep in the middle of the plastic sheeting and didn't wake up until around 4am.

Passed Out Dead Tired

As with most young 'uns, Morgan plays hard for a short while and then collapses and sleeps for a while. Here she is collapsed in the middle of Barb and Alan's kitchen after a particularly tiring play session.

Collapsed Sleeping

Not unlike other puppies, she's into EVERYTHING! Here she is having a go at Barb and Alan's garden. We have to keep a chew toy within arms reach, so we can distract her with it and hopefully at the same time teach her the correct items to chew on.

Investigating the Garden

We collected Myf from Granny's house the morning after collecting Morgan. Morgan came along for the ride so she could meet more of her extended family and get to know Myf at Granny's and on the car ride home.

We were a little worried about how the two would get on, but we needn't have worried at all. They seemed to click and get along fine.

Here's the first family portrait. And one of the rejects - there were many when they kept sniffing and licking each other.

Family Photo Sniffing

Morgan had cuddles with Granny and Kate before we headed back to Adelaide.

Cuddles with Granny Kisses from Granny Cuddles with Kate

The two dogs have since had much time to acquaint themselves with each other including a long car ride back to Melbourne.

In the Car

They're adjusting to their new lives quite well. Myf has always been by herself, so it's a massive change for her. She does seem to enjoy the play fights, but tires of the constant attention from Morgan and does growl after a while. She is becoming more and more tolerant as time goes on and seems to be chilling out a little.

Morgan is a piglet. She guzzles down her food and then tries her luck at Myf's. Because Myf couldn't care less, she leaves her bowl unguarded. We have to work on this because it is quite time consuming guarding Myf's food for her or trying to get her to eat when we put the food down.

Morgan just loves attention and can't handle being left out. So if we're giving Myf a cuddle, Morgan will stick her nose in. This results in a bit of growling from Myf, which then provokes some snapping from Morgan. Aaahh, fun times. Haha!

From all that, it seems that Myf got the rough end of the deal here. Poor love. But one of the main reasons for getting Morgan was to calm Myf's anxieties and make her happier. I think we've started down that path already. With Myf, we've had a routine for leaving the house. If we stick to this routine, Myf knows that we're coming back and she doesn't stress out. One of the factors is that we can't leave together - one must go, then the other. Well, since getting Morgan we've been able to leave the house together. Yeah, it's only a small step, but hopefully it's a sign of things to come.

Now that I've bored you with the story, here are some more pics of the babies...

The destructive little Miss has now chewed all the stitching off Spots' nose.
Destructive Little Missy

Play fighting on the dining room floor.
Play Fighting

Playing together out in the park.
Playing Collision Course
That's My Ball Over Enthusiastic
Running Playing

As you can see, Myf's ears are Morgan's main target. Myf does get her own back though, and when she get's truly fed up, she just puts one paw up to stop Morgan from running into her, and Morgan goes flying backwards. No-one's hurt - I think it's just Myf's way of saying that she could do her serious damage if she wanted to, so back off.


  1. She's lovely and I love her name. It's great that Myf has accepted her so easily. They'll be great company for each other. I hope Morgan doesn't lead Myf into mischief while you're out.

  2. What a pretty baby. I'm glad Myf's so easy going.
