Thursday, September 24, 2009

Why I Love Spring

Spring is the best time of year for me for many reasons. The weather is one. It finally starts to get warmer after a cold, wet winter.

Another reason of course is that my birthday is in Spring. I've decided that I'm no longer 23, so I think I'll be turning 26 this year. I think 26 sounds mature, but still young. I think I thought that about 23 when I decided to turn 23 again so many times, but now that I'm older, 26 sounds young. Haha! At least it's more plausible. I'm no longer offered info for student elections, so they obviously think I'm too old to be a student. Or perhaps I'm too clean. Hehehe!

The most important reason that Spring is totally awesome is because footy finals fever hits. Now that I'm in the footy capital, I can celebrate without shame.

I made a trial batch of Grand Final Cupcakes on Tuesday night. They were good, but I have to perfect the cupcake to icing ratio. The cupcakes didn't rise enough in the patty pans so there was too much butter cream icing. I think I'll make 10 cupcakes instead of 12 on Friday night.

I'm also making my own party pies and sausage rolls for Grand Final Day.

Of course it's fun to see the crazy supporters come out of the woodwork. Last night as I left work, one of the academics was putting lipstick kisses on her Saints poster. I think she's planning on decorating the hallways in black, red and white balloons and streamers on Friday. I'll have to take a photo.

One of the reason that Spring is not so awesome is the show. :( I got on the train yesterday to find it littered with chocolate and lolly wrappers from the bogan children and their bogan parents. How fricking difficult is it to put the wrappers back in the showbag from whence they came?! Thank goodness I haven't encountered chocolate vomit yet!


  1. Haha chocolate vomit is the worse. Used to have to deal with that and popcorn vomit when at the cinemas. Disgusting stuff, lucky for us we had a special vacuum we dubbed the spew vac! Sanitised and disposed of the output of overly stuffed, hyperactive kids! But yeah, spring rocks and footy finals rock!!

  2. Spring is wonderful when it's not 15 degrees and wet!!!!

    I'm going to the show here this week. So excited about a bertie beetle showbag and going on the ghost train! Not to mention seeing the cakes. Oh gosh, the cakes!

  3. Just as long as you don't leave your wrappers and chocolate vomit all over the train on your way home! Haha! ;)

    Take piccies of the good cakes.
