Friday, August 21, 2009

A Lost Credit Card Rant

A few weeks ago, while my sister was visiting, I somehow managed to lose my credit card. I'm not sure quite how or when I lost it. I can remember the last time I used it. I didn't discover it was lost until several days after that. Fortunately no one had racked up loads of charges on it, so it probably wasn't stolen.

When I discovered it was gone, Paul called the bank to cancel the card and reorder a new one. Unfortunately because we have the same cc numbers, they had to cancel both cards. When Paul went into the bank to collect the cards 5 days later (as instructed), he was told that the cards had been cancelled and new PINs had been ordered, but not new cards!! Okay, so he ordered new ones.

Another 5 days later and he was told that they had actually been ordered the first time, but they'd been sent to our old bank in Adelaide. No they couldn't send them to our home address but they could be sent to a bank in Melbourne for us to collect them. So that was done.

Three weeks after Paul first cancelled the credit cards, and much hassling not included in the description above, they arrive at the bank in Melbourne. The date we received the cards was 18th August. The date stamp on the front of the envelope, from when they arrived at the bank in Adelaide was 3rd August. We did not receive one phone call from the bank in Adelaide to say that our cards arrived. We were without ready access to money for 3 weeks and they didn't bother to let anyone know that our cards had turned up without notice at their bank! GRRRRR!!! It makes me angry!

So I suffered severe internet shopping withdrawals. But it's okay, I made a purchase online yesterday, so I'm feeling a little better now.

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