Thursday, July 2, 2009

Project 31

At the beginning of the year I started doing 'Project 365' where I take a photo every day so I have sort of an image diary for the year. About 2 weeks in, I got busy and/or lost motivation and/or got really slack and it kind of petered out. As the new financial year has just started, I thought it was about time I tried this again. Except this time I think I'm going to start fairly small and work my way up to the full year. I'm starting with project 31 - A photo for every day of July.

If you're interested in following along with my project 31, you can see the pics here.


  1. Lordy, I also got very slack, so will join you in Proj 31....can we nag each other?!?!?!?

  2. Project 31 far superior to 365!

    I'm in for that then!
